
first blog post new website store news

Welcome to the new and updated version of my website!

So many customers let me know that they love my products and it's great to read all the great reviews i get, but to truely stand out and develop my own brand means that I need to make my own website the best it can possibly be.

So what have I done?

A brand new layout with streamlined features
Better pictures and better editing. As time has passed I have gotten better with photoshop and editing my pictures to look the best.
Instagram (kind of related to this whole thing) I'm becoming more structured with my approach to posting and use a website called Later to schedule posts for me.

This will be a growing list now and I know there are more things to do on the way to making this a great site and developing a great community too.

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  • Paula Pierce on

    Hiya, I have just received my necklace stand and it is AMAZING! I have been looking for a necklace stand for ages and this is perfect!! How can I give you a review?

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